60 Most Common Keyboard Shortcuts for Outlook
Microsoft Office Outlook has been made to function as your unequaled individual right hand. Since it can deal with your own data and mailing subtleties. Other than that, Outlook can likewise set up your schedule, day by day updates just as it can likewise deal with your contacts and so forth. So as to make it work all the more productively Outlook has some console alternate routes to work through. With the assistance of console keys one can make Outlook work all the more insightfully. These keys help the Outlook clients every day to complete their work immediately. Some of these shortcuts that will make your work done efficiently by Outlook are enlisted below.
Open inbox | Shift+Ctrl+I |
Reply | Ctrl+R |
Reply all | Shift+ Ctrl+ R |
Open Outbox | Shift+ Ctrl+ O |
Deliver Email | Alt+ S |
Check New Emails | F9 |
Forward Email | Ctrl+ F |
Address Book | Shift+ Ctrl+ B |
Mark Unread | Ctrl+ U |
Undo Email as Junk | Alt+ Ctrl+ J |
Add Quick Flag | Insert |
Accept Task Request | Alt+ C |
To Do Bar (Show/Hide) | Alt+ F2 |
Reject Task Request | Alt+ D |
Select All | Ctrl+ A |
Find Contacts | F3 |
Search All (calendar, contacts, emails etc.) | Ctrl+ Alt+ A |
Advance Find Window | Shift+ Ctrl+ F |
Mail Search | F4 |
Search Any Item | Ctrl+ E |
View Emails | Ctrl+ 1 |
Go to Calendar | Ctrl+ 2 |
View Contact List | Ctrl+ 3 |
Shift to Tasks | Ctrl+ 4 |
Access Notes | Ctrl+ 5 |
Open Folder | Ctrl+ 6 |
Explore Shortcuts | Ctrl+ 7 |
Bold Letters | Ctrl+ B | |
Dialogue Box for Fonts | Shift+ Ctrl+ P | |
Italicize Letters | Ctrl+ I | |
Insert Bullets | Ctrl+ Shift+ L | |
Underline | Ctrl+ U | |
Shift Case | F3 | |
Enlarge Font Size | Ctrl+] | |
Reduce Font Size | Ctrl+ Home | Alt+ H |
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